CC's possible news

So this is about a week old piece of news in the BVB world, but for those who don't know: a couple days ago, CC posted this to his IG stories (from his fiancés story):
And everyone, justifiably, got super hyped.

Now, CC hasn't said anything else aside from this. I don't know why this is, they might be waiting for the first trimester to make an official announcement (the rate for miscarriages drops significantly after that date).

Please don't speculate too much about this, or hound him for more information. If he is going to be a father, all of this information is incredibly personal, he and his fiancé should only give people information on their own terms.

Luckily I personally haven't seen people get invasive or disrespectful. But I've seen how this can go, and I really don't want that kind of discourse to be happening.


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