Elitists and BVB

I'm probably going to say a lot of things that BVB fans have already said. If you think you've heard all of this before, you can skip ahead.

Now, I'm not talking about the elitist gatekeepers within the Fandom (that's likely going to be a conversation for another time). I'm talking about the metal elitists that seem to hate BVB simply because of its label as a "metal" band.

Because it's totally not like people can enjoy music from other genres.

Sarcasm aside: while glam/hair metal is still technecly in the "metal genre", in my opinion, BVB are much closer to the hard rock genre.

HAVING SAID THAT....I don't think I need to explain how crazy these elitists get.

I do wonder if part of this elitism cones from insecurity on the gatekeepers side. Because after a while, hating something becomes the "cool" thing to do, and that mindset can be used to accuse people who don't hate that thing to "not be a TRUE (insert subculture here)". So, then people feel the need to hate them, otherwise they'll get ire from others.

However, that might just be me crafting stories. The other part is likely people being jerks online. Ones who think that their favorite genre is the best, and anything else is trash.

To that I say: don't. Stop, please. Let us have our band to look up to.

And what to do about it? While I'd like to be optimistic, and hope that these elitists can be educated, I've seen too much of the world to put faith into that.

So I would say: ignore them. Let them be in their stupid, miserable world, and like what you want.

As BVB has said numerous times: screw the haters.


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